
Custom Webflow Development

I'm a Webflow community expert, providing customized JavaScript and CSS development for Webflow projects. Have you ever needed to implement features, third-party scripts, or customise an existing component that you cannot do directly using Webflow? Instead of wasting hours, let an experienced Webflow developer do these for you.

Solutions That Work

Here's a short list of examples of Webflow project customization and feature implementations:

  • Pulling data from the CMS to display a category list, which opens up a customized lightbox, which has a slider of multiple video playlist thumbnails (and their titles/descriptions) and another linked slider of videos which autoplays and auto advances when each video has done playing - all from the CMS!
  • Convert an input field to use a range slider
  • Investment/savings calculator with multiple form inputs based on a formula
  • Adding previous/next buttons to the tab component (e.g. to split a form into several steps)
  • Implement an accordion widget
  • Mailchimp newsletter subscription form
  • Customize Webflow slider next/previous buttons, navigation bullets
  • Synchronize two Webflow sliders
  • Customize design of list bullets, form radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, etc.
  • Quiz with progressbar, and results based on question responses
  • Third-party APIs, like Instagram feed, Google Translate widget, Flickr search
  • Display different content/images/colors based on time of day, day of week, month, etc.
  • Saving history states between multiple Isotope filter selections, when navigating to a different page and back.
  • Cookies (e.g.: show message once every X days, save user preferences, multi-form page, etc.)
  • CMS workaround for inserting code in rich text editor and have the code syntax-highlighted on published site

There Is Either A Solution, Or Not. There is No "Try".

  1. I know many intricacies and limitations of Webflow and how it is being operated, and have knowledge of possible solutions.
  2. I have helped others solve their most complex requirements that can never be accomplished simply by using the Webflow designer interface (see examples above).
  3. I will not waste your time if I know there is no way to do what you want or if my schedule is already too full to take on your project.
  4. I do not request for upfront payment unless I am absolutely certain I will be able to implement the features requested, or I guarantee your money back.
  5. Privacy guaranteed. I never use your Webflow projects for my portfolio or use your data for other purposes.

What You Need To Provide

  • Your design-completed project/page (I do not provide design services)
  • Third-party plugins you require (provide links to plugin official website/code repository/examples)
  • Detailed instructions on how you need the requested features to work on your site

How We Will Work Together

We will discuss your feature requirements via email. I will assess and inform you of the options/ solutions, and you can ask all the questions about my proposed implementation. After we have agreed to the scope of work and cost, there are two ways to proceed:

  • Full payment is made upfront, before you invite me to your workspace to work on the site, OR
  • 50% payment is made, before you transfer a copy of the project to me. Upon verifying that the job has been completed satisfactorily, balance payment have to be made before I transfer the project back to you.

I accept these modes of payment:

  • PayPal
  • Revolut
  • Square
  • Bank transfer (Wise)

I do not accept suggestions to use a third-party freelance service like Upwork, Freelancer, or Elance. They are not a sustainable business model for designers and developers.

Upon deposit payment the maximum turnaround time is 24 hours for any feature requiring less than up to 4 hours of development time (due to timezone differences). If more than 4 hours of development is required, I will advise you of the estimated completion date.

Reputable or repeat clients will be eligible for additional discounted rates.

An invoice can be provided upon request for tax and accounting purposes.

Tell me what I can do for you...

Fill out the form below with as much information about your project, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

About You

Your Project

Paste direct links to a public-accessible file below (image/screenshot/document)


The service was very fast and thorough. Sam explained step by step what needed to be done and took care of the project. We communicated over email and he was very polite.
Sam can always be relied upon to always deliver the expected results required by my business. He has made a dramatic difference to the quality of features for my projects compared to the previous vendors who I worked with.
Having worked with several web developers over the years, Sam has proven to be the most capable, responsive, and professional developer I've had the pleasure to work with. As a designer, I'm always looking to push the boundaries of what's technically possible. Where many developers might push back or suggest a compromised solution, Sam always seems to find a way – and often one that is better than I could have imagined. It's this ability to collaborate and add value beyond the original assignment that makes Sam such a rare and valuable development partner.
Very fast developer. Sam does an excellent job at analysing requirements and is also able to identify when the required solution is not possible, and then give recommendations on a different approach. He also exceeded my expectations on the deliverables. Looking forward to working again with him. Thank you!
It was absolutely fantastic. Sam delivered the finished product extremely fast once I finished my part and even made instant tweaks to the finished product as we traded emails. It was fantastic and worth every penny! I will definitely be back for any custom code work for future projects! Thank you!!
Very fast, very straightforward, flawlessly working code. Not cheap, but totally worth it! Definitely my first choice for custom code in the future!
Sam is really self-driven and always shows great initiative when it comes to his work. He takes personal responsibility and can be relied upon to manage different tasks and changing priorities. Sam has consistently exceeded my expectations by over-delivering on improvements for seemingly minor details that are often overlooked, but yet play a huge part in the user experience of the feature as a whole.
My experience with Sam was excellent from day one. I came across him on the community forum. It was easy to get in touch with Sam and the response was prompt. Sam was easy to communicate with and had a great system to pay and organise a meeting. The problem was dealt with and Sam understood what needed to be done quickly. He provided the solution and I am very happy to have the solution setup and completed in such a short timeframe. I can highly recommend Sam's specialised services. It is great to have the connection and support from Sam.
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